Episode 69

69. Let's celebrate Birthdays and everything in between!

Published on: 1st July, 2021

Every day counts, not only your birthday! But if you're not willing to celebrate your birthday, are you not celebrating your other successes?

Why aren't you?

Imagine if we celebrated getting through a difficult time and still have our wits about us! Imagine celebrating getting past a challenge and holding a great attitude all the way through (okay, most of the way through!)

Isn't it time to enjoy being alive and enjoy seeing another person? Through just a smile, a thank you, or a compliment? in turn, we being to have a better day because when we choose to spread happiness and kindness, we have no choice but to feel better ourselves!

How much would that change how you lived in the world? It will change How you think and how you approached things? How much would that change how we interact with each other?

It is time to celebrate every moment! Not just my birthday!

Keep it simple, be at ease with yourself and allow intuition to light the path.

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Let's celebrate Birthdays and everything in between!

CK 69 Final

Hi, and welcome to episode 69. This is going to be a short and sweet episode. Because I just want to talk about celebrating and living life to its fullest. And since yesterday was my birthday. I just want to talk about having a little bit of fun. So let's get into it.

Hi, my name is . Kathryn Mahoney, and I'm passionate about intuition business and living your best life and helping you navigate the ups and downs of the wild ride we call life. I'm an entrepreneur intuitive advisor, dedicated to guiding others to success, winning national awards in business and leadership and featured in MSNBC, USA Today and The Business Journal.

Just to name a few speaking to audiences, just like yourself. I teach successful business leaders in honing their intuition, creating certainty, and taking aligned action. I'll give you a straight talk with humor. Business, intuition and mindset are just a few of the topics we discuss here. Be ready for a fun insightful journey with me, reveal hidden secrets, be challenged and inspired. This is the Clearly Kathryn podcast.

So celebrating. I know we've talked about celebrating before. It seems to be a happy topic for most of us.

What I really want to talk about today is how strange I think it is when people don't like to celebrate their birthday, which I think if they're not willing to celebrate that, are they able to celebrate much about themselves in general? And generally. They don't. You know, it's funny when I hear people say, oh, it's my birthday. I don't want to talk about it, or, oh, just let the day pass by.

I think, you know, there's some people who don't get to live to the next birthday. For so many different reasons, some are known in advance due to maybe some genetic disease . You never know, you cross the street. You could get hit by a bus.

So every day counts, just not your birthday, but if you're not willing to celebrate your birthday, Then you're not willing to celebrate other successes you have. Yes, getting to the next year is a success. Why aren't you celebrating those other moments? And if you are. Are you telling other people to do that as well? Are you letting other people know that you do that? Or are you doing it undercover?

There's lots of parts of ourselves we don't share and sometimes celebrating is part of that. Now, when we talk about celebrating.

Do you celebrate your biggest client? Do you celebrate a BIG sale?

Getting through a rough day and just having a good attitude about it?

Do you celebrate that the sun came up? Do you celebrate the moon is shining?

What do you celebrate? Do you celebrate at all? Because I'm saying you should, you should celebrate the big things, the little things. The days that just didn't seem to go very well and then, the day was over and you get to start fresh. Sometimes that's just something to celebrate. Did you celebrate those times when you had to learn something new, learned an application, just frustrated you and frustrated you.

I know, for me, strangely enough, recording this podcast for today was slightly more challenging than I expected. I didn't get the sound quite right. And the connections weren't quite right. And it was like, oh, I'm not going to do it, I'm just going to give up. But no, I will not do that to you. I will still move ahead. I'm going to have to celebrate because I think it's coming together. We'll find out when we, when they get to the end of this.

What I want you to know is that when you celebrate, it changes your attitude. It changes how you approach things and it changes those around you. We've all seen this happen because when you're around someone who says, oh, nothing works. I hate doing this. Uh, and they're all negative. And they only see the dark things and they complain all the time or they just want to focus on the bad or point fingers. It brings everybody down or you can be that energy and not saying you're the negative one.

But if you could be that energy that comes in and says, you know what, this is going, right. We have the ability to use this. We can learn how to do this. Here's the bright side of things and share that energy. Then what happens is we all benefit. You raise up everyone around you. And when that happens, it changes everyone for the better.

We all benefit from that because when we share the light, when we share the lightness, when we share the positive energy, when we share the brighter side of things, We bring people along with us that light shines like the sun on everyone, around you.

When I go out to run errands, I go out and I try to have a good attitude and I'll smile and say hello and compliment people that look a little down. I'm super nice to the clerks. Are those helping me and thank them and tell them how helpful they were and how lovely they're dressed or what a nice smile. I try to just add a little sparkle extra to their day. That makes them feel a bit better because that light shines into them. And then they shine that on the next person. And then that person will take that light and shine it on someone else.

I feel like it's just a small thing I can do. I feel like it's something that is easy. Not always, sometimes it's not so easy, but in general, it's pretty easy to do to light up someone else so they can share that. Imagine if everyone did that, how much more positive, how much more kindness would be spread.

If we walk around and a sulky attitude all the time we just share that cloud. And we share that little cloud that's hanging over our head with anyone who happens to stand under it with us and they get a little bit of that cloud. What if we stand under the sunshine, we spread that sunshine.

And that's celebrating because when we celebrate life, when we celebrate opportunities, when we celebrate just being alive and being in the world , it's magic, isn't it. And when we celebrate the little things throughout our day, like I talked about before that I actually buy little presents for myself, not super expensive ones. I put them aside and I hold them until either it's just a day or a project or something that's been a struggle for me or a big challenge or something , I want to recognize, Hey, I didn't give up. I didn't throw a hammer at the computer today. It's been a good day and I get a little present for myself.

That present is an energy because what I do is I go, okay, I get through this. I might deserve a present. I kept something cool in there, changes my energy. What can you do to change your energy in those circumstances? Now you're not going to be happy. Go lucky all the time. Please. Let's be realistic here.

But what you can do is find ways to add a little lightness to your life. Have a little fun. My goodness. We don't have fun the way we used to. How often do I hear people say, I just want to have a little fun. We don't have fun the way we used to.

We need to start sharing that. We have to start sharing that fun and going out and enjoy just being together in fun instead of being entertained, share the experience together. I remember that's what it was really all about, was a shared experience of joy, a shared experience of something that changed our energy.

Something that surprised us, something that challenged us and we succeed. It doesn't have to be huge. It could be mini golf. It could be bowling. It could be climbing, hiking. It could be anything but something where you share with other people and can laugh. You know, I love fly fishing. I used to go with a dear friend and we used to laugh. I mean, snort laugh, crying tears in your eyes, laughing.

we laughed at how we looked in our waders, catching flies on the tree. Laughing about the night before from the stories we told, we rarely caught fish it's true because we would be laughing so much and it was so much fun. I love to go fly fishing and I never cared if I got a fish because it was fun. I have all these wonderful memories of fly fishing in the rivers in Washington state. I would not give those up just for catching one fish.

We would get all tangled up. One time my float device started sinking leaking out air. When I was in the middle of the lake, two friends had to rescue me slowly paddling in this little float tubes towing me back to shore. These are hilarious times where we were laughing like crazy. And yeah, we didn't catch a fish with all of that disastrous laughing and kicking and splashing, but we had so much fun. We need that fun in the world. We need that laughter in the world, we need to share that in the world.

It starts with how we feel about ourselves. It starts with how do we celebrate ourselves? Do you celebrate your birthday? If you don't then I bet you're not celebrating the little moments in your life. So why don't you start celebrating the little moments in your life and then celebrate little moments for other people or help them find a way to celebrate that way.

Celebrate It's Friday, celebrate it's Monday, go out, have fun, go for a walk, play fun music, dance around, go to the new bowling place that opened, even if you're terrible, make that the most fun ever. Just have some fun because when we have fun and we laugh, we heal ourselves and we heal those around us. And life just as so much easier, if you can laugh and have light and enjoy being with each other and enjoy being yourself and your own successes.

Buy a couple of little presents for yourself, keep them wrapped up. Don't open them, know that they're there for the days that you just struggling. Just didn't go the way you needed, but you kept up a good attitude and you solved something.

Don't give yourself a present because you had a bad day. You get a present because you figured it out. You didn't let it get you down because you solved the problem because it came together. Because your attitude change things, then celebrate, share light sunshine with others around you every person you meet. When you make it about every person you meet, it becomes a light within yourself that gets bigger and bigger that you share with others that then share with other people. And this is where the magic happens.

So share, share the light, share the sunshine, share the celebration of another amazing day. It may have not been the best day ever, but I'm sure you can find something good about it , some innovative idea, the fact that you had the day, maybe other people never even got that.

Do what you need to do to find at least one thing to celebrate everyday.

most of all, keep it simple. Be at ease with yourself and allow intuition to light the path. Celebrate my friends. We're in this together.

Thanks for listening to the Clearly Kathryn podcast. If you love the show, share it with a friend, the more the merrier, and we'll see you next time.

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About the Podcast

Clearly Kathryn, Business Intuition Strategies For Leaders
The Podcast where successful business leaders hone their intuition for extraordinary results!
How do I lead with my intuition? How do I manage my business using intuition? How can I have clarity in my decisions? How do I know if I'm following my intuition? Whether you're just starting, pivoting, or running an empire, this show is for you!

The Clearly Kathryn Podcast is a live-mastermind style business and intuition podcast brimming with simple step-by-step actions that guide entrepreneurs to rethink intuition and expand beyond their wildest dreams. You will be gifted the spark to ignite your business intuition abilities along the way!

Host Kathryn Mahoney brings you wisdom, intuitive advice, productivity tips, entrepreneurship straight talk inspiration, and humorous stories that can help YOU ignite your intuition creating the business and life you desire. Kathryn shares concrete, actionable guidance that she acquired through her entrepreneurial pedigree, decades of business ownership, founding mentoring organizations, and award-winning business leadership. She's sharing her extensive experience navigating the business world using her highly tuned intuition.

This podcast will transform your view of intuition in your business. Kathryn will guide you on intuition in the business world, answer your questions, and dive deeper into the topics you want to hear. With over 100 episodes and counting, the "Clearly" Kathryn business intuition movement is growing every day, and now it's YOUR TURN to hone your intuition, create certainty, and take aligned action, and be part of the cutting edge of the future of business.

About your host

Profile picture for Kathryn Mahoney

Kathryn Mahoney

Intuitive Business Strategist Kathryn Mahoney inspires entrepreneurs to align their businesses with their deepest desire, busting through barriers achieving exceptional results through the power of intuition. Her ability to pinpoint blockages and demolish them leading to exponential results — like one client who struggled to connect with their ideal customers; within a few weeks without implementing new marketing, they were handling more ideal customers than they thought possible.

She comes from a long line of successful entrepreneurs. Her work started with advising dreamers on how to step into the world of entrepreneurship. From there, she expanded her company as a strategic business consulting and undercover intuitive advising fortune 500's executives, Policymakers, and entrepreneurs, featured in national news and syndicated columns in The Business Journal from her business leadership, public policy, and global business mentoring.

Her career with entrepreneurs spans nearly three decades, not including her time learning the ins and outs of entrepreneurship at the family kitchen table. She has worked with dreamers, startups, multi-million dollar businesses, corporations, and governments. Her ability to see the whole picture, intuitively fine-tune the details and provide no-nonsense, clear feedback drives her and keeps clients coming back.

Her mission is to help entrepreneurs rely on their intuition to clarify decisions, enhance productivity, and ignite innovation. She shares her intuitive gifts, knowledge as a business strategist, mentor, award-winning entrepreneur, amateur techie, and geopolitical enthusiast. She is the host of the podcast "Clearly Kathryn." She has shared the stage and served on boards with many founders of multi-million dollar companies. She currently lives in the USA and is a dual citizen of the US and Canada, but considers herself a world citizen having friends in every corner of the world.

She comes from a long line of successful entrepreneurs. Her work started with advising dreamers on how to step into the world of entrepreneurship. From there, she expanded her company as a strategic business consulting and undercover intuitive advising fortune 500's executives, Policymakers, and entrepreneurs, featured in national news and syndicated columns in The Business Journal from her business leadership, public policy, and global business mentoring.

Her career with entrepreneurs spans nearly three decades, not including her time learning the ins and outs of entrepreneurship at the family kitchen table. She has worked with dreamers, startups, multi-million dollar businesses, corporations, and governments. Her ability to see the whole picture, intuitively fine-tune the details and provide no-nonsense, clear feedback drives her and keeps clients coming back.

Her mission is to help entrepreneurs use their intuition to clarify decisions, enhance efficiency and productivity, igniting innovation. She shares her intuitive gifts, knowledge as a business strategist, mentor, award-winning entrepreneur, amateur techie, and geopolitical enthusiast. She is the host of the podcast "Clearly Kathryn." She has shared the stage and served on boards with many founders of multi-million dollar companies. She currently lives in the USA and is a dual citizen of the US and Canada, but considers herself a world citizen having friends in every corner of the world.